The objective of the present study is to determine the chemical composition of the seeds of Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth as well as to split the oil extracted from the latter there its various constituents. The seeds coming from Kinshasa, Mbandaka and Mbanza Ngungu are rich in total lipids (49,30 in 50,99 %) followed by proteins (23,57 in 25,66 %), of food fibers (8,33 in 9,45 %) and comparable carbohydrates (3,51 in 7,11 %) . Extracted oil has the indication of acid between 8,84 and 12,15 mg, are not rancid with the indication of peroxide from 31,19 to 47,19 méq d'O2/Kg, are semi - siccatives because their indication of iodine is between 109,76 and 132,72 g and are edible because the indication of saponification spreads out of 180 in 190 mg and their division showed a profile chromatographique rich in total lipids and in triglycerides, the revealed fatty acids are: the acid laurique, the acid palmitique, the stearic acid, the acid oléique and the linolenic acid. The copper contents, the iron, the manganese, the cobalt, the calcium, the potassium, the lead, the arsenic and the titanium gave values which varied of a sample because of ground of origin, the highest values were found for the potassium (780 in 1090 ppm) followed by calcium (352 in 532ppm).
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