Les facteurs socioculturels impliqués dans la propagation du VIH/SIDA en R.D. Congo
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Les facteurs socioculturels impliqués dans la propagation du VIH/SIDA en R.D. Congo. (2024). REVUE DES SCIENCES DE LA SANTE, 3(1), 42-48. https://doi.org/10.71004/rss.024.v3.i1.27


Our aim in this study was to show the socio-cultural factors that accelerated the spread of HIV / AIDS in the DRC. At the end of this research, we have proved that it is the socio-cultural factors that was causing the spread of HIV / AIDS in the DRC. These include (1) ignorance and beliefs, (2) culture of silence, (3) current cultural and traditional practices, (4) levirate and sharing of wives, (5) sexual purification, (6) polygamy, (7) the social status and inferiority of women, (8) beliefs and taboos. All of these factors add to poverty with what it implies as poor living conditions, scarcity of medicines and limited and inadequate health facilities.

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